You guys! We won in June 2020 and I was busy having babies in 2020 and then again in 2022 that I forgot to blog it. Today I am looking through my web page for my website guys and then… I was like.. how come I never blog it?
So we got an email in April/May 2020 that we were nominated. It was in the smack dab in the middle of pandemic. I didn’t think too far since my first baby is due in June 2020. So I was like “Grool”…
And then we got an email again that people voted for us and that we won. Gosh… I was super excited. Our little business suffered in the middle of pandemic just like any others’. In that same year, we had a customer using multiple accounts and asking her friends/clients/family and fiance` to write multiple one-star reviews for us. So our average rating plummeted from 4.8. (We are still suffering as of today.) Luckily, our revenues didn’t hurt once we are out of shutdowns. Our brides are able to look past that this is just simply wanting to take down a freaking business. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
We didn’t pay for this award. Heck we didn’t even spend $200 to nominate ourselves like how “Best of State” nominations requires. I am just so glad that there is the selection committee who understands why and gives us a chance to be the best version of ourselves in the heart of SLC.
In my humble opinion, I don’t think we need to be “best in SLC”… We simply just want to be “the best” for brides who book appointments to try on dresses with us and then “the bestest” for the Bitsy Brides who purchased. We just want to make sure we are available and resourceful for them until their big day.
Check us out: https://www.bestofslc.com/business-awards/2020-winners/ . Also other two nominees are super chill and super cool too.